torsdag 23 februari 2012

Texter till nya kassetten

Finns nu lite goa texter uppe till den nya kassetten Välkommen till Växjö, som vi snart släpper genom Ingen Våg. Kolla nedan.

Ett jävla daltande lyrics

I det här jävla landet
är det ständigt ett förbannat gnällande
Ett jävla daltande där alla är jävligt unika och fina
Lipsillar som saknar mamma
Res er mot svinen
Och slå för fan tillbaks
Hata borgarsvinen
Och ta tag i saken på riktigt

Som vi uppfostras i Sverige
Alla är lika bra på allt
Svenska maskiner som inte kan säga ifrån på riktigt
Alla ska springa loppet, alla vinner medalj
Och alla får korv och glass efteråt
Ingen ska behöva höra att de gjort fel
Ingen ska bli ledsen och besviken
Men ingen har lärt sig att resa sig mot svinen

Det är ett jävla daltande
Med barnsliga lipsillar

Alla skrattar åt snuten lyrics

Då är det dags igen, nu rullar vi på
Samma jävla text som förut
men vem fan bryr sig om det
Så länge det vi säger är sant
Allt är likadant som nyss
Snuten är en lipsill
Som jävlas med fulla kids och gör bort sig fullständigt
Att snuten är en tönt är så jävla sant

Alla skrattar åt
Alla skrattar åt
Alla skrattar åt
Alla skrattar åt snuten

Det är så pinsamt att se skiten
Kalla folk för knarkare i tunnelbanan
Eller gapa om apajävlar i Malmö
Skärp er för fan
Ta ett jobb på en cirkus
Kasta pajer och gå på lina
Ett par jävla pajasar är vad ni är
Humorister och skämtare

Alla skrattar…

Man kan verkligen lita på att folk ställer upp lyrics

Man kan verkligen lita
på att folk ställer upp
Ring till tv för att hjälpa till
Vid översvämningen i Pakistan

Köp ett jävla plastband på ICA
för att stödja forskningen kring bröstcancer
Ha på dig något lila för att visa
att du gillar bögar

Och gå med i gruppen
Sverigedemokraterna ur riksstan – ja tack
Om man bara orkar gå med i grupper på facebook
är man lat och idiot.

Går man på den där skiten
Och ringer till TV4
Går pengarna till storkapitalisterna
Och inte till de svältande ungarna

Persbrandt står och posar
Med någon jävla unge
Målar upp sig själv som en hjälte
Och horar in kulorna

Och vem fan vill ha
Ett rosa band på sig ändå
Fulaste jävla grejen
Ser ut som skit

En symbol som visar
Att marknaden tar betalt
För ditt dåliga samvete
Att förtagen tar betalat
För att du egentligen skäms

En symbol för att
Du är en lurad jävla idiot
Dessutom ser du ut
Som en medelklasskärring

Spela snabbare lyrics

Har ni sett på fan, ja här kommer vi igen
Växjös enda mangelpluton, utan någon jävla pardon
Mot en tråkig slanig sleazescen, androgyna jävlar i trikå
Vevar sin satans fyrtakt, som L.A guns och de andra fittorna.

En hel armé av pissluktande snorungar
Har blivit fostrade av rock-kollon att spela sin skit
När alla vet vad som egentligen räknas
Att spela så jävla fort man kan

En fjärdedels så snabbt, en fjärdedels så bra
Med ert jävla fjolltempo kan ni lika gärna skita i det.
Det är väl fan skrivet, att man inte kommer långt
När det enda man har att ge, är långsam jävla dynga.

Spela snabbare, spela snabbare, spela snabbare.

Med en flaska JD, tights o hårspray tror ni på succé
År efter år, kids efter kids, kom igen, med nått nytt
Gitarr och bas, trummor och hat, veva tills man däckar
Vi ska ge dem vad de tål, hata, sparka, slå.

Varför vaska champagne lyrics

Låtsasrika snorungar
Tar tåget till Stockholm
Kammar frillan bakåt
Och försöker lura världen att de har stålar

De viktigaste som finns för dem
Att låtsas vara överklass
Grejen är bara den
Att vi vanliga svennar skiter i sånt

Skjorta, kavaj och röda byxor
Röda byxor, röda byxor
Svettig bandt-shirt och jeansväst
Jeansväst, jeansväst

Varför vaska champagne
När man kan dricka folköl

Slösa med alkohol på ett sånt sätt
Det är väl bättre att dricka upp
Er jävla tjejdricka
Gulligt vin med bubblor

Nej ge mig brännvin istället
Käng i stereon och ett väntande slagsmål
Välkommen till Växjö
Här dricker vi fan upp!

Öjaby - Växjös rövhål lyrics

Växjö är ju som bekant en äcklig jävla medelklasstad.
Där alla jävlar är borgarsvin.
Där folk jobbar med data
Och tror de bor i storstan

Men det finns as här som har det ännu bättre
Som är ännu värre
De jävlarna i de fina villorna i Öjaby
Växjös jävla rövhål

När andra sliter
Glider Öjabyborna runt i slips
Dricker kaffe på kontor
Och tror att de är nått

Ta er jävla sandstrand,
era privata bryggor
och er jävla fikakorg och
stoppa dem i sketan

Ta er jävla Smaland airport
och flyg åt helvete
tunnhåriga gubbar
som super på Kanarieöarna, fy fan!

Öjaby – Växjös rövhål
Bränn det jävla Öjaby

Låna en jävla massa kosing
Och sälj din själ
Slipp att umgås med slödder och vanligt folk
Segregation är så jävla härligt

Diskreta charm
och smygnazism

Och bilen går bra lyrics

Man blir så jävla trött på dessa machoidioter
Pratar om hur bra det går, med barnen och med frugan
Som kommer i sin nya bil, som företaget pröjsat
Nya jaktgeväret och den fina sommarstugan 

Tränare för pojklaget, hela gatans favorit
Ideella verksamheter, folkhemsromantik
Du är så jävla duktig och berättar med än gärna
Hur du klättrat uppför karriärstegen och suger chefens kuk

Visst har vi vackert väder
I helvete heller
Allt bra med dig eller?
Allt är bara skit

Fy fan vad jag hatar det, jag kan inte rå för det
Men alla dessa lyckade jävlar gör att jag vill spy
Punksvin som man är, dömd att misslyckas 
Kommer aldrig nånsin kunna bli nånting

Hej Blogspot!

En borgarhatande dödsblogg är född. Håll utkik efter nya grejer här. Så länge kan du ju navigera längs etiketterna till höger och läsa gammal skit.

Och japp, snart kommer det en ny skiva. Vill du gå på släppfesten?

Varför Vaska Champagne video

Ta en folköl och var som folk video

Bandet 2011


1. Gott mit uns
2.Nya arbetarpartiet
3. Gymnasiekommunisterna (r)
4. Bönder i keps
5. Källsorteringspartiet
6. Sossarna
7. Jan Banan Björklund

Egen utgivning 2010

In Vino Veritas

1. Det som en gang var
2. Karl XII
3. Ledmotiv för arbetsliv
4. Fina texter
5. Grevar och baroner
6. Jkpg hardcore
7. En nazist med en dröm
8. Ta en folköl och var som folk
9. Privatisera mera!
10. EU - Evig underkastelse
11. Hippiesvin
12. Hata alla borgarsvin
13. Skicka dem till Gulag
14. Fred, kärlek och jävla dumheter
15. Intellektuella eliten
16. Sången om Stalin (Knutna Nävar cover)

Egen utgivning 2010

Med Segerrika Vapen

1. Man blir så jävla trött
2. Tafatta Snutkukar
3. Vinylpunkare

4. Calle Konung & CO

Utgiven av Stängda Dörrar 2010

Lukinzine Mixtape

Vi medverkar på Lukinzines mixtape

My Last Chapter Intervju

Femtekolonnare is bound to become a name to be reckoned with. After three demos they've unleashed enough aggression and brutality in the form of blasting punk to satisfy anyone's need for a complete mental blowout. The band's 'fuck all' attitude and deep sense of humour, alongside the extremely good music, made me very interested in learning more about what this constellation's actually all about.
We conducted the interview by e-mail. I sent the first bunch of questions on the 29th of April and I received the final bunch of answers on July 21st.

Well hey there. Sorry for taking so long, but here we finally go with the interview, and let’s start out simple by having you introduce the band and let the readers and I know who’ll be answering the questions.
We are Femtekolonnare, the most brutal band in town. The smålandic power trio, a mangle platoon without mercy. Fritjof plays bass and sings, Jonas guitar and sings, Carl play the drums, we answer the questions together in a choir as the equal fucking socialists we are. I hope that this school English of ours is understandable. We'd rather written in Swedish but what the hell...

I’m not entirely familiar with your history, seeing as Femtekolonnare’s still fairly new to me. But if I’m not entirely wrong you started out in 2009, and that’s about it. Any previous bands and projects I might have heard of? Any line-up changes since your start?
Carl and Jonas played together for a while when they were young and stupid and started Femtekolonnare in 2009 when their old band quit. But as a gift from above came Fritjof with his old BC Rich bass and we started to mangle together. This became, as we know today, the beginning of a new era in Swedish music history. We have not had any line-up changes at all actually. We are so damn good friends that any changes are not needed. And if we become adversaries, we just fight about it and let our fists talk. Well, anyway, we tested a new drummer at one time when Carl had problems with broken limbs. The body was broken after too much grinding. But we fucked that and let Carl play anyway, no other drummer could possibly reach his standards anyway. He'll probably play himself to death, but that's cool, no pain – no game.

You’ve certainly been extremely productive, at least during 2010, releasing three demos the same year. Does the music just keep coming to you, are you an endless resource of blasting punk? I mean, can we expect the same kind of frequency in releases in the future?
The thing is that we are so damned talented musicians that it's a piece of cake for us to write these hit songs. However, we do not really expect us to be as productive in 2011, we have not even rehearsed so much, the times we've seen each other, we have been busy with drinking booze. But we might have time to release some heavy shit in 2011, we actually have some exciting stuff going on.

Speaking of future releases, have you had any interest from labels? I think I remember reading you were supposed to have some split released, but the label disappeared or something like that.
Hell yeah, the offers perfectly rains on us. We’ve even decided to record some stuff that we will release in a near future. But exactly what this is may be a secret a little while longer, but I can promise you that it’s some brutal motherfucking shit from hell. And, yeah, we were going to do a split with some fucking Dutchmen once, I have no idea what happened to that.

So no hints or revelation about upcoming releases? What’s the exciting stuff you have going on?
It’s just more anti-hippie tunes from the heart of Småland. Killer songs in blasting speed, nothing else matters.

In one of your songs (“Vinylpunkare”) you have a somewhat harsh tone towards the pressing of punk records on vinyl. So does that mean that you’d turn down an offer for a vinyl release? The split 7” is a rather popular format in the scene.
But it's so fucking ridiculous to press vinyl records. It’s just so you can frame them and put up on the wall in your fresh apartment in Södermalm, it’s just cheesy fucking hipster manners. Why can’t you just as easily burn a CD-R? Or put the crap out for downloads? Walking around and being all retro and shit, that’s just stupid fucking nonsense.

Well, I can only speak for myself, but I do really like vinyl. First off, there’s no deterioration like with CDs (and CD-Rs, for that matter), causing it to rot after a number of years, and I actually like the typical crackling of a vinyl. A lot of people argue about the superior sound quality, but since I don’t know that much about I can’t make that another argument for the vinyl. But I agree that putting stuff up for download is a good option, in particular for those who can’t afford to buy records, or simply don’t want any. So when will you spread your releases digitally?
Deterioration, I don’t even know what that means. Vinyls are fucking stupid and that’s about it. We have already spread our music digitally. We’ve uploaded some shit at different communities and there are a lot of blogs who shares it all. Just search for it and you’ll probably find it. Of course we could share the music from like a website or so, but there’s no point when the hipster blog kids already do it for us.

“Valguiden” was released about a month before the Swedish parliamentary election, where you had one song for each political party, critiquing them all. It was definitely a great idea, and I was just curious as to how you came up with it? It was released only a few months after “In vino veritas”, so was the release a result of a hurried process? 
That was a suggestion that came up in the rehearsal when we were done with In vino veritas. We wrote all the songs in a crazy short time, but that’s just how we roll. But we don’t feel any pressure when we write, we write fast and kick ass songs. There's like no point to change anything about the songs for us, they are perfect right away.

To me it seems like you changed slightly in between “Valguiden” and “Med Segerrika Vapen”, going for a slightly more pure grindcore sound, but I still have a bloody hard time actually labeling you with a specific genre. You mix and match from hardcore, crustcore, grindcore and even some black metal. How’d you label Femtekolonnare yourself?
We like, a bit humorous, to call it hard fucking turbo punk / fastcore / thrashcore / grindcore / hardcore / powerviolence / mangling punk / kängpunk / raw punk / crust / black metal from hell. But that is just to make some fun of all the fucking genre designations. There's like no point to call the music for something special, really. I like to call it turbo punk, mainly because I think it sounds damn funny. But call it what the hell you want, just do not call it reggae.

So what are your own personal music preferences? Do you as individuals bring different influences to your sound?
We listen to raggarrock and raggarrock only.

“Med Segerrika Vapen” came delivered to me smeared with blood, a hint towards both your humorous aspect and your black metal influences, I suspect. 
The blood was not so much about humor, really. It was more like that we were drunk at Fritjof’s place, he works as a craftsman and have a lot of fun working tools at home. And our merch guy / driver / boyfriend had been nagging about getting a blood-marked tape, you know he is a serious, all for real Satanist. So we just went crazy with Fritjof’s tools and flooded the whole apartment in blood. This was the same day we first got the cassettes, we couldn’t keep calm with all that alcohol in our blood. 

Lyrically you definitely kick to both your left and your right, and it’s all done in a very sarcastic and humorous manner. But underneath it all I sense a very serious tone, and also a fear for what’s becoming of this land/world. Are you politically active as individuals? You seem to hate just about everything there is about organized politics.
Surely we hate everything associated with organized politics. But we hate all fucking hippie activists who run loose on the town just as much. We are politically active in that we make political music, but we do not go around with a Greenpeace bag and molest honest people in town if that's what you mean.

Have you managed to make enemies already, or do people get the sarcasm in your lyrics? I’m thinking of songs like “Jkpg hardcore” where you spew hatred on the young hardcore scene of today, “Ta en folköl och var som folk” where you dis straight edge rather hard, “Hippiesvin” where you speak very negatively about the general hippieness (not really a word, but I figure you’d know what I mean) of the working class…? The list could go on and on, ‘cause you really do seem to be pissed about pretty much everything, and aren’t afraid of critiquing your own scene/movement (whatever you’d like to call it).
No, people've no sense of humor, irony or self-understanding. We have heard the whining from both Christian bitches in Jönköping, edge vegans and another scum. All becomes sad and offended by us but it is only because they are so damn self-absorbed idiots who are terrified that their entire world will fall apart if someone criticizes their bloody sectarian behavior.

What have the general reactions to your releases been like? It seems like everyone loves Femtekolonnare, but still you feel rather ‘unknown”, so to speak. 
True. Everyone loves the Femtekolonnare motherfuckers. We have received quite a lot of reviews now and everyone has been positive. But we of course deliver the country's roughest and most insane shit so it’s not that surprising really. Unknown? Oh, what a problem, we'll might have to attend some reality show now so we can get famous. Oh my God.

What’s the gig situation like, many opportunities? You’ve played a metal festival, which I suppose was somewhat of a shock to the audience seeing as your sound isn’t exactly that of polished metal.
We are not looking for gigs directly, we rather spend our time drinking beer. But if someone asks and we have time and are up for it we usually say yes. We have been around the country in both north and south, a little anyway. It’s just so damn fucking boring to be on the road playing, because you have to eat those fucking vegan stews with bulgur. Give us a bloody steak, some beer and a hell lot of money and we’ll probably be there.

So how’d you wind up playing the metal festival, and how did people react?
Some guy asked us and we just went there and showed the fuckers how to roll. Some people started bitching about us making fun of the conservative major of our home town at that gig. But I don’t know, I think that clown makes more fun of himself than we ever could do, so what the fuck.

I suppose we won’t see you touring Europe or anything like that then? I’m surprised at how many newer bands that actually hit the road.
If someone arrange it and pay us, sure. But you know, we have to work and shit to make a living. Touring punks are just brats, their parents give them money so they can afford playing at shitty shows with dirty people.

I guess it’s time for my standard set of questions:
Latest record you’ve bought?

Carl: I can’t afford buying any records, I spend all my money on alcohol. But I listen allot to Stick och Brinn, Tinner and Jesus Cröst for the moment.
Fritjof: The Devil’s Blood - Come Reap
Jonas: Raein - ah, as if...

Latest record you’ve listened to?
Carl: I’m listening to Jedi Mind Tricks - Violent by Design right now.
Fritjof: Watain - Lawless Darkness
Jonas: Bruce Springsteen - Darkness on the Edge of Town

Latest book you’ve read?
Carl: Can’t really remember. But I like to read Sture Dahlström.
Fritjof: Carsten Jensen - Vi, de drunknade. A novel about the Danish sailors in the 1800s
Jonas: Jack Kerouac - On the Road

Latest show you’ve went to?
Carl: Säkert! at Gröna Lund
Fritjof: Pentagram at Muskelrock, Tyrolen
Jonas: Bright Eyes, Albert hall

Crappiest record you’ve bought?
Carl: I haven’t bought any records since I was a kid so I guess they were all kind of crappy.
Fritjof: Naglfar - Pariah.
Jonas: Michael Jackson - Thriller.

And that’s it. Thanks a lot for your time. I actually hope for some Femtekolonnare vinyls in the future, but I suppose we’ll just have to see about that, hehe.
Any last words, final statements or whatever?

Thanks for your interest man. And I guess we’ll have to see about that vinyl. Final statements? Fuck yeah. Death to all hippies. Keep playing brutal. Fuck the word. Clan in da front. Dink alcohol, be cool, but stay in school. Yeah, whatever.

Cow Magazine om de tre första

Två CD och en kassett damp ner i lådan för en tid sedan och en mängd låtar fanns att lyssna på. Jag trodde att det skulle bli en stor uppgift att sätta tänderna i materialet men till tji fick jag när jag insåg att inte många låtar var över minuten lång.
Femtekolonnare kör ett mangel som självklart drar tankarna till ett gamla band som till exempel Protes Bengt, som satte ett fyrtiotal låtar på en sjutumssingel, men med sjukt mycket mer grindmangel och även till de nutida kaospunkarna i Krimtänk. Det är små korta vansinnesverk med lustiga titlar och ibland hinner man till och med höra lite bra grejer som är över snabbare än vad de kom.
Jag kan vara lite kluven till den här sortens grind. Visst gillar jag korta låtar men när de t handlar om 20-50 sekunder så är det ibland lite väl kort ibland. För mig gäller det att fånga uppmärksamheten med något speciellt och det lyckas bandet med ganska ofta men i längden (den inte så långa längden) kan jag känna mig lite otillfredsställd. Visst fan har de något som jag uppskattar och jag skulle nog gilla att se dem lira live, men det gäller att vara på humör.
Om man verkligen gillar mangelmangelmangel i 190 med kortakortakorta låtar så är det hög tid att köpa på sig Femtekolonnares grejer nu!

Slavestate om Med segerrika vapen

Den småländska grindcoretrion förnekar sig inte. Sedan deras ”In vino veritas”, en ordentlig känga mot ungefär allt och alla och lite till, har de både lyckats knåpa ihop ”Valet 2010”, en mini-CD där låtarna i tur och ordning avhandlar våra riksdagspartier, och fyralåtarskassetten ”Med segerrika vapen”.
Med sitt blodindränkta konvolut (människoblod och inget töntigt grisblod, enligt uppgift från medlemmarna själva) är det lite så att jag drar mig för att vidröra eländet, men när jag väl tagit mod till mig och plockat ur kassetten ur omslaget kan jag ju lika gärna lyssna. Låttitlarna talar sitt tydliga språk, på A-sidan återfinns ”Man blir så jävla trött”, ”Tafatta snutkukar” och ”Vinylpunkare”. B-sidan består av ett enda spår, ”Calle Konung & Co”. Femtekolonnare skulle någonstans kunna sägas vara värdiga arvtagare till betydligt mer kända/kultförklarade Massgrav, både vad gäller attityd och sound, det handlar alltså om råsnabb lo-fi-grindcore på svenska.
A-sidans tre spår lämnar inte mycket paus för andrum, tre snabba grindcoredängor på max lika många minuter avverkas, och med undantag för något enstaka midtempo-break är det motorvägsfart rakt igenom. Precis som det ska vara. Att B-sidan innehåller ett enda spår skvallrar om en viss differens i låtlängd och/eller tempo, och visst – betydligt längre är den, ”Calle Konung & Co”, och visst innehåller den ett tungt, nästan doom-influerat parti, men på det stora hela är det straight up grindcore Jonas, Fritjof och Karl levererar. Och de gör det med den äran.

My Last Chapter om In vino veritas

I discovered this band by accident on some blog I stumbled upon. Truth be told I couldn’t tell you exactly when/where I first heard of them. But what I can tell you is it certainly didn’t take long before I fell head-over-heels in love with their sound. If I said it took only a couple of minutes, that’s about five or six songs. 

Femtekolonnare starts off blasting, screaming blasphemies in every direction. It’s difficult to decide exactly what genre we’re dealing with here; they mix and match from all corners and across borders. Fastcore, rawpunk, crustcore, powerviolence, grindcore, whatever… One thing’s for sure; it’s punk. While I think a lot of people will compare these three lads to Massgrav(which I suppose serves its purpose, they do have a certain familiarity), this is so much more. Imagine the frenzied hardcore of The Locust mixed with the grinding of My Minds Mine/Blood I Bleed, the wicked fastcore blasting of xBraniax, the grindcore of Yacøpsæ, both the early grinding years as well as the later crusty years of Anatomi-71 and a huge dose of pure adrenaline, a massive slab of rage, and you’ve got yourself Femtekolonnare. But as I said they definitely cross the borders as well, just take a listen to the melodic intro to Privatisera mera!, or the black metal guitar line of Grevar och baroner

In vino veritas is an intense experience, with sixteen tracks lasting eleven minutes. Two lads screaming at the top off their lungs, but surpassing the regular dual vocal theme with their constant overlapping screams, adding even more energy to the already insanely adrenaline pumping recipe. It’s fast as hell, but with tons of nuances crammed into such short songs. They spew hatred on almost everything imaginable, from local politicians to governmental politicians, from hippies to pacifists, modern hardcore, straight edge practitioners, reggae listeners, neo-Nazi’s, and EU. Even Varg Vikernes gets a beating in Det som en gang var. While the lyrics are draped in sarcasm and irony they do get pretty damn serious with their manifest against drug companies and the privatization of pharmacies in Sweden, entitled Privatisera mera!. This demo comes highly recommended if you’re looking for intense grinding hardcorepunk. 

Written by Kristoffer - April 29, 2011

My Last Chapter om Med Segerrika Vapen

Instead of a CD-R this new demo got released the old fashioned way; on tape. But unlikeFemtekolonnare’s previous demos this one actually has a label behind it. This is the band’s third release in less than a year, so we’re undoubtedly dealing with bloody productive guys. Judging from these four tracks I can definitely state that the quality doesn’t suffer from it, which I of course love. But what I don’t love is the fact that the tape cover is smeared with blood. I suppose it’s just another kick by their funny bone, sort of making fun of the whole depressive black metal scene, but I still find it somewhat revolting.

Nonetheless this is the band’s strongest material to date. It feels a bit like they’ve taken a step towards more pure grind, and I think the opening track, Man blir så jävla trött, might be their fastest one (I’m too lazy to actually check, so it’s an uneducated guess). It blasts like freakin’ crazy, and it’s ridiculously intense. But they don’t lose touch of their hardcorepunk roots, and the slower parts of the first three tracks reek of old school crust. The second half of Tafatta snutkukar reminds me a whole lot of older Diskonto recordings, and it strikes me thatFemtekolonnare do carry some similar attributes to said band. I don’t know whether or not to label it fastcore, powerviolence or grindcore, it feels like Med segerrika vapen is all of the above. They slickly mix and match from all kinds of genres, grinding it to bits in their own brand of frenzied mangle. 

Flipping the tape over you’ll find the act’s longest track to date, clocking in at just over two minutes. They’ve only got four or five other songs altogether that even make it to one minute, soCalle konung & co definitely wins the race. After half a minute they take a break from their usual blasting and go for a slow and sludgy ride, dooming for a while before the rage continues. They’re not afraid of sprucing things up, they’re certainly not afraid of incorporating genres you wouldn’t except, and they deliver it with such compelling conviction you’ve got no choice but to surrender to the almighty force that is Femtekolonnare. 

Written by Kristoffer - April 29, 2011

My Last Chapter om Valguiden

Only a few months after the release of In vino veritas Femtekolonnare released their new demo; Valguiden. About a month before the Swedish parliament election it was unleashed, and it contains eight tracks, all dedicated to the political parties that was in question. Reading the lyrics it’s clear the rage haven’t dissipated, and upon pressing play I can tell you the music hasn’t changed all that much either.

One thing’s for sure, the sound’s much harsher, giving them a rougher and dirtier approach, which actually gives me an eastern/southern European grindcore flavour. The recipe for success is still blasting punky goodness, mixing fastcore, powerviolence, crust and grindcore. While it’s mainly blasting like crazy, they do offer lots of variety in the ways of drum patterns, tempo changes and such. Just as they’ll suddenly throw in a classic hardcore breakdown (as in Nya arbetarpartiet), and the first verse of Sossarna just reek of old school hardcorepunk from back in the days, all except the vocals that is. Two high-pitched squealing guys share the screaming duties, and it’s done in such a hurry and frenzy it injects a buttload of intensity, and the lyrics are so maniacally delivered it’s spot-on impossible to keep up if you’re not holding the lyrics in front of you. It doesn’t always help to have the lyrics, you’ll still get lost in the insane tempo. What I also noticed in the previously mentioned Sossarna is the hint of Eddie Meduza towards the end. I’ve never gotten the Meduza hype, but I at least managed to identify that. 

Each and every political party represented gets a real booting, right or left winged. It seems these lads are pissed about just everything, hating just about anything. And all lyrics are written in the same cynical and sarcastic manner. It works well with the raging music. It’s fast, blasting, raw, energetic, intense, adrenaline-inducing hardcorepunk. 

Written by Kristoffer - April 29, 2011

Skippers Corner om de tre första

Femtekolonnare skickade mig ett fett paket bestående av 2 CD-R & en kassett. "In Vino Veritas" innehåller 16 låtar & klockar in på 11 minuter, här går det alltså undan. Fan vet vad jag ska skriva men jag gillar det som fan, ettt  inferno av ljud & oljud. Kolla upp & är du bandbokare så boka! Nästa släpp vill jag se på vinyl.